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How Easy Is It To Become An Investment Banking Analyst?

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

Nothing great comes easy.

Having said that achieving greatness is not rocket science. Investment bankers are required to deal with a lot of numbers, negotiations, research, tough deadlines, understanding about markets and macros.

Just reflect upon yourself and if all this excites you. Congratulations, pursuing investment banking wouldn’t be a job instead it would be a passion for you.

There are certain areas that one has to be pretty good at in order to make it into IB.

  1. Academics: Not a deal breaker, but definitely opens up many doors for interviews if you are an Ivy league pass out or from a recognized university/course

  2. Financial Modelling: Knowledge of financial modelling, valuation techniques is a must. You will be handling at least 2–3 live transactions regularly each would require you to create financial models, derive valuation through different method depending upon the company in hand.

  3. Research skills: Underrated skill but very very important in investment banking. The ability to extract information and create immersive pitch books is a valuable skill in investment banking

  4. Communication Skills: Imagine this, as an investment banker you will be advising a CEO/CFO/CXO of a major corporations for raising funds/mergers/acquisitions/divestitures etc. discussing how the deal will benefit their company. These guys are usually the stalwarts of their sectors with massive egos, dealing and convincing these chaps is definitely an art.

  5. Patience: Long working hours, pressure, chaotic seniors are some of the regular features of investment banking at least during the initial years as an analyst. Dealing with them and still thinking straight requires rock solid patience

It definitely requires the best in you to make it big in this domain but I am sure the rewards/adrenaline definitely worth it.


Pratik S


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