Feb. 27, 2023

9 We Learned About Innovations In Buying And Selling Digital Assets by Interviewing CEO Of Flippa,  Blake Hutchison

9 We Learned About Innovations In Buying And Selling Digital Assets by Interviewing CEO Of Flippa,  Blake Hutchison

9 We Learned About Innovations In Buying And Selling Digital Assets by Interviewing CEO Of Flippa, - Blake Hutchison -- E100: Watch it Here


Here is what my team and I learned from this interview: (These are notes from team members, writers, sometimes AI, and even listeners who submitted what i learned loosely edited and shared here) - If it seems a bit crude, you're reading our notes, so. yeah.     -Ron

Concept 1: Buy and sell digital assets.

The world of buying and selling digital assets has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the rise of the internet, businesses have been able to reach a global audience, and with that comes the opportunity to purchase and sell digital assets. This has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

Flippa is a marketplace for buying and selling online businesses and digital assets. Founded in 2009, Flippa has sold over 300,231 digital businesses worldwide. Their mission is to “democratize the exit”, enabling business owners to connect with buyers around the world. They offer a range of services, such as advisory, technology, and due diligence services to help business owners through the process.

Flippa’s services are available to both buyers and sellers of digital assets. They offer a range of assets, such as Shopify businesses, WordPress blogs, other content sites, and iOS or Android apps. As the digital world continues to grow, so too does the opportunity to buy and sell digital assets.

For entrepreneurs and investors, buying and selling digital assets can be a great way to make money. With the right guidance and support, it can be an incredibly lucrative venture. Through services like Flippa, entrepreneurs and investors can easily access the resources they need to make informed decisions about their investments.

Buying and selling digital assets can be a great way to make money, but it’s important to do so with the right guidance and support. With the help of services like Flippa, as well as resources like the How2Exit podcast, entrepreneurs and investors can find the right resources to make informed decisions about their investments.


Concept 2: Investment bank for the 99%.

Flippa is an online marketplace that specializes in the sale of digital assets. It’s a great resource for entrepreneurs and investors alike, in addition to being able to find businesses listed, Flippa offers a variety of data integrations, insights, and due diligence services.

Data integrations allow business owners to connect their data to the platform, making it easier for buyers to compare assets. Insights allow buyers to compare the ask price of an asset to other similar assets for sale or that have been sold in the past. Finally, Flippa’s due diligence team can be hired to do forensic due diligence on any asset listed on the platform.

With all of these resources available, Flippa is essentially an “investment bank for the 99%.” It offers the same services and resources as a traditional investment bank, but on a more accessible and affordable scale. It’s a great resource for entrepreneurs and investors who want to make informed decisions about their investments. It’s also a great resource for those who are new to buying and selling digital assets, as it offers guidance and support that can help them get started.


Concept 3: Trustworthy marketplace transactions.

Blake stressed that It is important to ensure that the transactions taking place on Flippa are trustworthy. Flippa has taken steps to ensure that the marketplace is secure and trustworthy by banning almost 300 users a month and by adding features like off-market transactions. This means that users who are attempting to buy and sell must do so in a trustworthy and respectable manner. Additionally, Flippa has added 13 different currencies, making it easier for users to make transactions in their local currency. This allows users to trust the data they are getting from the source and makes it more difficult for someone to manipulate the data.

Flippa also has a feature that allows users to conduct benchmarking. This is important because it allows users to sense check the data they are getting and make sure that the data is accurate. This is especially important when it comes to investments, as it allows users to make sure that they are not getting into a high-risk transaction. With the help of benchmarking, users can make sure that the data they are getting is trustworthy and reliable.


Concept 4: Find burned-out businesses.

One of the best ways to find burned-out businesses is to use Flippa’s keyword search. By searching for keywords related to the type of business you are looking for, you can find businesses that have not been producing content or have been lagging in production. This is a great way to find businesses that may be looking to move on to something else.

Another great way to find burned-out businesses is to look at expired listings. By looking at listings that have not been sold in the last six months, you can find businesses that may be looking to make a change. This is a great way to find businesses that may be looking to move on to something else.

The Off Market is another great tool for finding burned-out businesses. This service attempts to map out the world of digital assets and allows users to express their intent. This is a great way to find businesses that may be looking to make a change.

Finally, Flippa Invest is a great tool for finding burned-out businesses. This tool allows users to express their intent and Flippa can then solicit the business owners. This is a great way to find businesses that may be looking to make a change.


Concept 5: Matchmaking for investors and businesses.

The keyword search tool allows users to search for businesses that are currently on the market. This tool allows users to search for businesses by keyword, such as “dog beds”, and find businesses that match their criteria. This tool allows entrepreneurs and investors to find businesses that they are interested in investing in and make sure that they are getting the best deal possible.

Flippa, has now integrated AI into their matchmaking, the first-ever AI-powered recommendation engine for the M&A industry. The new feature will leverage data to deliver custom recommendations for buyers and sellers based on their search behavior and interests. The engine will also improve the user experience by offering an easy-to-use interface and seamless search capabilities. The AI engine is a game-changer for M&A professionals and is expected to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the search process. Read more (200 words)

In addition to the keyword search, Flippa also offers expired listings. This feature allows users to search for businesses that have been listed in the past but have not been sold. This allows entrepreneurs and investors to find businesses that may have been overlooked and that may be a great investment.

Flippa also offers The Off Market. This feature allows users to search for businesses that are not currently on the market. This is great for entrepreneurs and investors who are looking for businesses that may not be listed on the market. This feature also allows entrepreneurs and investors to express interest in businesses that they are interested in and solicit the online business owner directly.

Finally, Flippa offers Flippa Invest. This is a great feature for entrepreneurs and investors who are looking to invest in businesses. This feature allows entrepreneurs and investors to invest in businesses without having to go through the traditional process of buying and selling businesses. This is great for entrepreneurs and investors who are looking for a more efficient way to invest in businesses.


Concept 6: Access to capital is difficult.

However, despite all of the tools and resources that Flippa provides, accessing capital is still a difficult process. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are not well-networked and lack the resources to access the capital they need. Even for those who are well-networked, the process of raising capital is still difficult and time-consuming. Additionally, many entrepreneurs are not fortunate enough to have the privilege of attending an Ivy League school or being based in San Francisco, which can make accessing capital even more difficult.

Flippa has taken steps to make the process of accessing capital easier by introducing Flippa Invest. Through Flippa Invest, entrepreneurs can access growth capital as low as $100,000 and as high as $2.5 million. Furthermore, Flippa has collected data from its buyer network over the past 18 months in order to provide access to investors who are willing to invest in businesses that have been growing steadily over the past 12 months.

Investment opportunities exist, and there are a variety of ways to access capital. For those who are well-connected, they may have access to venture capital or angel investors. For those who are not as well-connected, they may look to crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo. There are also options such as peer-to-peer lending, micro-loans, and other alternative financing options.


Concept 7: Monetize search criteria data.

Monetizing search criteria data can be a great way to increase profits and maximize the potential of investments. By understanding the buying criteria of potential investors and utilizing data to target them, businesses can identify the right investors and increase the chances of a successful sale. This can also help to reduce the time and effort associated with finding the right buyers. Additionally, utilizing data can help businesses to better understand the needs of potential buyers and tailor their offers accordingly.

By utilizing data to target potential buyers, businesses can increase the chances of a successful sale and maximize their profits. Additionally, data can be used to better understand the needs of potential buyers and tailor offers accordingly. Ultimately, monetizing search criteria data can be a great way to increase profits and maximize the potential of investments.


Concept 8: Build boring businesses for profit.

One example of a business that has been able to capitalize on data-driven monetization is the sale of a GDPR compliance blog. This blog was a 13-page website, with each page being an article that focused on GDPR privacy and compliance governance. After the European law change, the blog took off and became an extraordinarily stable performer, as well as a reputable resource for anyone looking to understand GDPR compliance. The blog was sold for $5.2 million and was a solo operation, with only one person updating the content as required.

This example shows the potential of building boring businesses for profit. Building a business around a seemingly dull topic can be more profitable than one might think. Additionally, the blog was able to be sold for a nine times multiple on earnings, which shows the potential of building a business around a boring topic.

Furthermore, newsletters can be a great way to monetize a business. Advertising has been used for years and can be a great way to increase profits. Additionally, newsletters can be leveraged by businesses to communicate with customers and help small business owners sell faster. It is important to ensure that the content of the newsletter is relevant, as customers tend to like it when the content is tailored to their needs.


Concept 9: Sell IT-enabled businesses.

Selling IT-enabled businesses is a great way to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments. IT-enabled businesses are businesses that use technology to improve their operations and provide services. In order to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments, it is important to understand the needs of potential buyers. Additionally, it is important to understand the market conditions and the competitive landscape.

One way to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments is to use data-driven monetization. Data-driven monetization is the process of collecting and analyzing data to understand customer needs and market trends. This data can be used to create targeted campaigns and better understand the needs of potential buyers. Additionally, data-driven monetization can be used to identify potential buyers and create targeted marketing campaigns.

Another way to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments is to create newsletters. Newsletters are a great way to monetize a business and help small business owners sell faster. Newsletters can be used to inform potential buyers about the business and its services. Additionally, newsletters can be used to promote special offers and discounts. By creating newsletters, small business owners can increase their visibility and reach more potential buyers.

Overall, selling IT-enabled businesses is a great way to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments. It is important to understand the needs of potential buyers and the competitive landscape. Additionally, data-driven monetization and newsletters are a great way to monetize a business and help small business owners sell faster. Ultimately, selling IT-enabled businesses is a great way to maximize profits and increase the potential of investments.

Flippa is a great way to sell online or IT-enabled businesses valued from $1 to just Below $5,000,000.  If you have an IT/MSP Business that’s valued at $5,000,000 to $30,000,000, I’d still recommend our channel partner ITX.

Together with ITX M&A Marketplace - click here to sell your MSP Company (Sponsor)



For investors passionate about business acquisition and anyone interested in buying a company to strategically expand, selling/exiting, or driving up your valuation, the new Acquisition Aficionado Magazine is a must-have resource. As a reader of How2Exit, you can click here to get a complimentary copy of Issue 4 featuring content from Ronald Skelton and many other M&A pros.

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